ALL information is required to be completed in order to identify the game and division.
Select the appropriate division from the drop-down list
Input the game # as found on the gamesheet
Input the date of the game.
Enter the Center name of the host. (i.e. Amherstburg, Lasalle, etc)
Allowed extensions: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, gif, .pdf.Maximum # Files: 4. Maximum File Size: 4MB.
Upload a copy of the gamesheet! Make sure your image is clear and fits on ONE screen.
Suspensions incurred or served in this game need to be noted here.
Any penalty coding of a GM, MP or other suspension category must be noted.
If a player sat out this game and it is noted as serving part of a suspension please enter the information (i.e. Joe Smith 2 of 3). If there were NO suspensions served please answer "not applicable".
Complete the information as outlined below.
Example: [email protected]. Your submission will be sent to this address.
Select your center name from the list.